July 11-13, 2024
Epworth By The Sea
Media (More Coming Soon)
Saturday, July 13
You are CALLED.
“Jesus went up on a mountainside and CALLED to him those he wanted, and they CAME to him.”
Disciples come when Jesus calls. You have been called. We have been called.
You have been called:
to come to Jesus
to follow Jesus
to become like Jesus
to show others Jesus
We have been called:
to care for one another
to BE the church
to equip the saints
to send out servants
Our response to God’s call is how God chose to let the world know Him.
Calling is a core concept in our Christian faith. God initiates. God invites. We respond. A failure on our part to hear and respond to God will not ultimately thwart God’s work, but it does rob us of the joy of participating with God in his redemptive plan.
This calling is not just to clergy or church staff, but to the whole people of God — the Laity (laos) who are "a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession," charged to "declare the praises of Him who has called us out of darkness and into His wonderful light." (1 Peter 2:9) As God’s people, we are a called people!
Christ is counting on you to hear and respond to His calling on your life. It is time for us to return to a culture of calling where hearing God is normal and expected and where we once again inspire and encourage each other to joyfully respond to God’s call on our lives.
Come discover your CALLING with us.
Are you a Delegate?
Delegates are:
Appointed clergy (and senior status clergy).
Laity elected by each church’s charge conference as defined in the TBoDD.
If you are unsure if you are a delegate, please contact your pastor or email info@sgagmc.org.
The registration fee for delegates is $60 per delegate. There is no charge for family members of the delegate (unless they too are delegates).
Not a Delegate?
Annual Conference is an exciting event for ALL laity and clergy in South Georgia, not just delegates!
This year, we will NOT be charging for attendees who are not delegates. That means that non-delegates and family can attend with no SGAGMC registration fee.
Check out the agenda and keep an eye out for the speakers being announced over the next months and reserve your spot. ALL ATTENDEES MUST REGISTER!
Would you like to sponsor our event?
The SGAGMC has a number of opportunities to sponsor this year’s Annual Conference. Sponsor tables will be available for $200 and include inclusion in the conference journal.. Other opportunities are available including customized options — contact us at info@sgagmc.org.
Need a Place to Stay?
Our host Epworth by the Sea has numerous options available for accommodations as well as meals onsite. Click below to make your reservations for a hotel room or if you are staying offsite, to purchase food.
*Subject to change
Thursday, July 11
9am – 2pm Sponsor Check-in & Setup (Ellie Harvey Room)
12pm Prayer Room Opens
2pm – 6pm Conference Check-in (Ellie Harvey Room)
5:30pm Dinner
7pm Called to Come to Jesus — Sarah Helder
Friday, July 12
8am Breakfast & Prayer Room Opens
9am Called to Care for One Another — Clergy & Laity
9-10:45am Children & Youth Activities
10:30am Time with General Conference Delegation
11:00am Called to Be the Church — Michelle Johnson
12pm Lunch
1pm Ordinand Meeting w/Bishop & Rehearsal
1:30-3:15pm Children & Youth Activities
1:30pm Called to Equip the Saints — BREAKOUT SESSION #1
3:45pm Called to Support the Church — Business Session
5:30pm Dinner
7pm Called to Show the World — Matt Reynolds
Saturday, July 13
8am Breakfast & Prayer Room Opens
9-10:45am Children & Youth Activities
9am Called to Equip the Saints — BREAKOUT SESSION #2
11:00am Called to Send — Ordination Service
12:00pm Lunch
Breakout Sessions
Friday, July 12 — 1:30pm-3pm
The Public Reading of Scripture Dr. Jeffrey Frymire
Stewardship Impact Dave Briggs & Chris Goulard
Evangelism & The Spirit Filled Life Rev. Dr. Matt Reynolds
Creating a Culture of Invitation & Hospitality Teri Nave
Discipleship: Pathways to Multiplication Mark Danzey, Allen Cason, Paige Madden
Clergy Spouses Gathering
Saturday, July 13 — 9am -10:30am
The Public Reading of Scripture Dr. Jeffrey Frymire
Stewardship Impact Dave Briggs & Chris Goulard
Evangelism & The Spirit Filled Life Rev. Dr. Matt Reynolds
Creating a Culture of Invitation & Hospitality Teri Nave
Discipleship: Pathways to Multiplication Mark Danzey, Allen Cason, Paige Madden
Breakout Session Descriptions
The Public Reading of Scripture — Dr. Jeffrey Frymire
In this breakout session for laity and clergy alike, renowned preaching professor Dr. Jeffery Frymire will guide us in exploring how the reading of biblical texts aloud can change how you preach and teach! This session will be exciting not only for regular preachers and speakers, but anyone who teaches the Bible (or wants to!).
The Nuts and Bolt of Preaching — Dr. Jeffrey Frymire
How can I mine a biblical text and find gold? Join Dr. Jeffery Frymire in a robust and practical discussion that is sure to inspire your scripture study and strengthen your preaching!
Stewardship Impact — Chris Goulard and Dave Briggs
Stewardship Impact is designed to provide knowledge and strategies to help create a culture of good stewardship, biblical perspective, and increased generosity in your church.
Teachers Chris Goulard and Dave Briggs will present the foundational theology of money, stewardship, and generosity, and explain how an increased emphasis on stewardship can have a dramatic impact on the health of your church.
The objective of Stewardship Impact is to provide each church leader with a sound foundation of biblical stewardship; a deeper understanding of the theology of money and a greater understanding that a person’s relationship to money impacts their relationship to God.
Evangelism & The Spirit-Filled Life — Matt Reynolds
Join special conference guest, Rev. Matt Reynolds of Spirit & Truth for an inspiring and practical discussion about sharing our faith with others and following the guidance of the Holy Spirit on a daily basis.
Discipleship: Pathways to Multiplication — Mark Danzey, Allen Cason, Paige Madden
Join Mark Danzey, Allen Cason, Paige Madden, and other members of the conference discipleship team for an engaging breakout session on making disciples. This session will provide you with spiritual insights and practical tools to empower you to be a disciple and to make disciples. You will also learn about future laity and clergy gatherings to help equip you in this area.
Creating a Culture of Invitation & Hospitality — Teri Nave
Reaching/connecting with people - especially unchurched families and friends - is the post-covid challenge we are all trying to figure out. Many things are different and require new thinking. But some things remain the same – like The Great Commission; and, we need to double down on them.
In “Creating a Culture of Invitation and Hospitality,” Teri Nave will lead a conversation about how to reach, attract and (hopefully) keep unchurched families and friends in this new environment we are all discovering.
Conference Presenters
Who is invited?
Everyone! We are excited to have opportunities for fellowship, fun, worship, and teaching for people in all areas of the church — clergy and laity — and ages — young and old.
And this year, all non-delegates have no conference fee to attend!
Who are the delegates to the business sessions?
While all can attend the business sessions, only delegates as defined by the BoDD are allowed a vote in business matters of the Annual Conference. Each church who has joined the GMC by July 1st can send one laity delegate per clergy member appointed to their church as well as their appointed clergy as clergy delegates. Again, we hope each church will send more folks to enjoy the connection, teaching and inspirational aspects of the conference.
Where can I find accommodations in St. Simons?
While Epworth by the Sea has wonderful accommodations, St. Simons offers many other opportunities if Epworth by the Sea is full or if you are looking for something different such as a rental home or beach front access .
The following five hotels are recommended for their close proximity to Epworth, but other options are also available:
Holiday Inn Express
Best Western Plus
Hampton Inn
Home2Suites by Hilton
King and Prince (waterfront option)
What is there to do on St. Simon’s Island?
St. Simon’s Island is a wonderful place to visit, from beaches to historic sites to great dining. The Golden Isles Visitor Guide provides a great start for visitors to St. Simon’s Island. The Golden Isles Map provides a quick understanding of the layout of the island including Epworth by the Sea and many popular Points of Interest.
I want to come. What do I need to do?
Every person attending the conference must register at the links on this page. For delegates, the cost is $60. For non-delegates, the conference registration is free! Again, even though there is no fee for non-delegates, all attendees must register on this page.
Can our ministry or organization exhibit at the conference?
Approved ministries and organizations will have opportunities to present or be included in the conference journal.
A table for in the exhibitors area (co-located with the registration area in Strickland Auditorium) and listing in the conference journal is $200. Registration is available via the sponsorship registration button earlier on this page.
More extensive, customizable sponsorship opportunities are available, including the opportunity to speak briefly at a conference session. Contact us at info@sgagmc.org for more information.
What about families and child care?
We very much desire for families and people of all ages to join us at Epworth. While we intend to have a number of specific recreational and educational activities for children and youth, a nursery will NOT be provided this year. Additionally, all children and youth must be registered with the conference to attend children and youth events. These events will be noted in the agenda in the near future.
What if I have a problem with my Epworth by the Sea reservation?
The SGAGMC has NO access to the Epworth By The Sea registration system.
We can only access your SGAGMC Conference registration.
If you have reservation questions, such as confirmation of your reservation or to modify your reservation, please contact EBTS at 912.638.8688.
For more information.
Email us at info@sgagmc.org — or use the following form.