The Global Methodist Church has entered into a multi-year agreement to provide every congregational member of the GM Church with access to an outstanding multi-faceted program to address child safety and protection in its provisional annual conferences and churches (including pre-schools and day cares, church schools, camps and other entities operated by such churches). The GM Church is partnering with MinistrySafe to offer this comprehensive set of tools to the provisional annual conferences and congregational members of the GM Church.
The MinistrySafe program consists of a five-part safety system that GM Church entities may take advantage of at no cost. The attached flyer describes the 5-part safety system, which includes access to model policies and procedures, skillful screening, sexual abuse awareness training, and monitoring and oversight. The system also includes background checks; however, the initiating ministry must choose the level of background check that will be performed and pay the cost of each background check. The GM Church and its churches are receiving significant discounts on the cost of each background check. Two discounted background check options are available: a 7-year background check for any county of residence in the last 7 years ($26.95 per search) and an unlimited lifetime background check ($35.00 per search).
To learn more about the resources offered by MinistrySafe through this partnership, go to www.ministrysafe.com/gmc. You can register your church and related ministries by selec5ng “Become a MinistrySafe Member” and then entering the discount code “GMC2023” when prompted.
MinistrySafe provides numerous videos to help you understand the unique dashboard created for your church and related entities. As soon as you become a MinistrySafe Member, which costs your church nothing, you immediately have access to all of the resources including the discounted pricing on background checks.
The GM Church strongly recommends that every member church take advantage of this significant resource which is provided as one of the benefits of being a member of the GM Church and which is paid for by the GM Church with general church connectional funding resources.