Certified Lay Ministry
Certified Lay Minister Training (2024-2025)
Updated July 2024
You cannot tell the story of Methodism without emphasizing the importance of laity to the movement. We want to continue to build upon our historic roots by raising up new leaders to serve our congregations and be a part of carrying forth the mission “to make disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly.”
WHAT is a Certified Lay Minister (CLM)?
On the most basic level a Certified Lay Minister is exactly what it sounds like – a lay person that is certified to minister and build up the body of Christ. CLMs serve in a variety of volunteer and some paid roles including discipleship, age-level ministry, congregational care, pulpit supply, etc. The Transitional Book of Doctrines and Discipline defines a CLM as “a professing member of a local congregation who has received special training in Wesleyan doctrine and our denominational polity, and endorsement by the church in order to serve the church as laity. This category encompasses all those who were previously named certified lay servants, certified lay speakers, certified lay ministers, deaconesses, home missioners, and lay missioners. Certified lay ministers may work in any area of the church’s ministry, including leading, teaching, proclaiming/preaching, evangelizing, worship, and caring ministry…”
(Read further: https://globalmethodist.org/what-we-believe/ -> Part Five -> Paragraph 502)
WHO is CLM training for?
Anyone that is serving in a church volunteer of staff position that wishes to become more equipped as a lay minister! It is open to any professing member of a local Global Methodist congregation that has been a part of that congregation for at least two years and receives a written recommendation by the pastor and endorsement by a majority vote of the pastor-parish relations committee and the charge conference. Candidates for CLM will also need to complete the required training, pass a national background check, and be approved by the conference Board of Ministry. Other than the final step of BOM approval, the other steps do not have to be sequential.
WHEN is CLM training?
A total of Five Courses are required to become a CLM. The Foundational and Bible Courses are required, and participants may choose any three of the Specialized Courses to complete their training requirements.
·Foundational Course and Basic Bible Courses (Both Required) – The Foundational Course covers Global Methodist History, Polity, and Theology; Congregational Care and Ethics; Mission and Evangelism; and Calling and Spiritual Gifts. The Bible Course provides an in-depth overview of the Old and New Testaments and introduces participants to basic study and interpretation methods. Both courses will include short reading and writing assignments that will take place outside of class, and will have some on demand videos to review. Because these courses are required, we will provide three opportunities to take the courses:
January In Person Immersion Weekend (see below)
Spring 2025 Online – January 27th, February 17th, March 3rd, March 10th, March 24th, and April 7th
·Specialized Courses (Choose Three) – We currently offer five specialized courses, which can be taken on stand-alone Saturdays at a Central Georgia Location, or as a part of our In Person Immersion Weekend.
Worship Leadership and Planning – March 22nd
Spiritual Formation – Saturday, March 1st
Missions and Service – Saturday, April 12th
Church Leadership and Administration – Immersion Only
IN PERSON IMMERSION WEEKEND!!! – This year we are offering the option to complete all courses in person in one long weekend! The Immersion experience will be held at Valdosta First Methodist on Thursday, January 30th through Sunday, February 2nd. Participants may take all five courses or select courses. Courses included are Foundational, Bible, Preaching, Worship, and Leadership/Administration. A detailed schedule is available on the registration form.
This sounds awesome! HOW do I sign up for CLM training?
The link for online registration can be found at https://form.jotform.com/241965780517062. There is a registration fee due before you may enroll in your first course: $300 for those participating in the full program, or $60 per course if you plan to take less than the full program (those previously trained as Lay Servants/Speakers, and CLMs seeking renewal only need to take 1-3 courses based on their level of experience). Please note that travel and lodging expenses are not included in the training cost. Please email Rev. Dr. Anthony McPhail at amcphail@valdostafmc.org if you have any questions about the program or registration.
Contacting Certified Lay Ministers for Speaking or Preaching
Updated 2/27/25
Here is the current list of Certified Lay Ministers who have agreed to have their contact information listed for speaking and preaching request.
Jennifer Smith
Larry Powell
Member of Leesburg Methodist church, Leesburg, Ga.
Cell: 229-886-6109
email: jlpowell36@gmail.com
Mike Bowden
Cell: 478-244-2447
email: mbowden3475@gmail.com
Mitchell Smith
cell phone: (229) 942-1243
email: mitchell@wetfeetministries.org
Robbie Nicholas
Scott Varnadore
Clyo Community Church Effingham County
Tad Moseley
Cell phone: 229-630-7162
Tee Reddish
Van B. Haywood
Warren C. Budd, Jr.
Cell phone 678-410-2126
email warrencbuddjr2gmail.com