Frequently asked questions.

Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding
— Proverbs 3:13

What is the Global Methodist Church?

The Global Methodist Church is a Wesleyan denomination committed to making disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly. The Global Methodist Church is filled with warm-hearted, Jesus loving, and Holy Spirit inspired people. They are grounded in Scripture and the life giving confessions of the Christian faith found in the Apostles’ and the Nicene Creeds.

Why should we join the GMC?

Many churches in South Georgia departing the UMC are rooted in a long and rich history of connection with other churches, both in their community and the world. John Wesley embraced this connection with an effective infrastructure to support the ministry of the local church. These Wesleyan ideals are as important today to the local church as in the past — many of which are unattainable by an independent church.

The Global Methodist Church was created to provide these critical Wesleyan, scriptural faith traditions while correcting the missteps of the past. The GMC provides a leaner and simpler general church with an emphasis on the ministry of the local church rather than general agencies and bureaucracy.. This includes no trust clause and much greater autonomy and freedom for the local church. It means a less expensive organization with a simpler and fairer appointment and ordination system.

Most critically, the GMC holds fast to an orthodox theology that stands on scriptural authority. This means that the GMC will have a strong, orthodox doctrine that reestablishes the tradition of the early church fathers and the global, catholic church that is founded wholly in scripture. By joining the GMC now, your church will have an important voice in shaping and preserving these traditions in the formation of the Global Methodist Church.

What are the core beliefs of the GMC?

That the one God – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit – has created all things; that Jesus Christ, through the power of his cross and Resurrection, is the Lord and Savior of all the world; and that the Holy Spirit empowers the people of his church to worship and praise God and to proclaim the Gospel throughout the world in word and deed. This includes unity around the authority of Scripture, the classical confessions of the Christian faith as articulated in the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds, and in the historic Christian ethical standards that derive from them.

For a full accounting of the church’s core beliefs, see the Transitional Book of Doctrines and Discipline, pages 4–19.

Will churches own their own property?

According to the Global Methodist Church’s Transitional Book of Doctrines and Discipline local churches own all their property and assets. Since it is widely assumed that the local churches, and annual conferences and central conferences that are strongly inclined to join the Global Methodist Church do not want to be part of a denomination with a “trust clause” (i.e., where local church property is held in trust for a general church). There is no trust clause in the GMC. Therefore, local churches in the Global Methodist Church will own all their property and assets in perpetuity.

How will a church in South Georgia be assigned a pastor?

The appointment process as per the Transitional Book of Doctrines and Discipline (see paragraph 510) will be a consultative process between the church and the Bishop:

The committee must be given the opportunity to give input on the suitability of a proposed appointment and to raise any concerns they might have. When a committee raises substantive and missional concerns about the suitability of an appointment, such concerns must be addressed by the bishop and cabinet in considering whether to make the appointment. The bishop and cabinet must provide a rationale for their decision to the committee if they make the appointment. Consultation is both a continuing process and a more intense involvement during the period of change in appointment.

While final authority rests with the Bishop, consultation is required and any concerns brought by the local church must be addressed before assignment. The intent of the process is to have greater involvement and consultation with the church in the decision making process than in the UMC process. This process will also be freed from a yearly appointment with no guaranteed appointments for clergy.

What are the lengths of terms for preachers? District Superintendents?  Bishops?

According to the Global Methodist Church’s Transitional Book of Doctrines and Discipline (paragraph 516.2), bishops will not serve life terms. Rather, bishops will only serve predetermined terms as defined by the convening general conference. Once they serve their terms, they will either return to ministry in a local church or to some other area of service in the general church.

District Superintendents do not currently exist in the Transitional Book of Discipline and are replaced by the Presiding Elder — an existing clergy elder at a church within the district. Presiding Elders will assist in the needs and accountability of the regional district. Term limits will be set by the general conference.

Clergy appointment terms will be at the discretion of each church and its leadership.

How will churches, bishops, clergy and laity be held accountable to the shared beliefs of the GMC?

The Global Methodist Church is clear and unambiguous in its doctrine and unity around the authority of Scripture, the classical confessions of the Christian faith as articulated in the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds, and in the historic Christian ethical standards that derive from them. Clergy and laity at every level will be expected to warmly embrace these hallmarks of the faith. For the sake of its mission and the unity of the church, it is crucial that its leaders will be responsible for holding one another, its clergy, and its laity accountable to them.

The Transitional Book of Doctrines and Discipline (Part 8) provides extensive means of accountability at all levels. This includes very specific accountability mechanisms for holding Bishops accountable to not only one another, but more specifically to the laity.

What will apportionments look like in the GMC?

The GMC will not have “apportionments” but “connectional giving”. The terminology is more than just semantics. Apportionments are “apportioned” or assigned by the denomination to a local church based on the needs of the denomination. Connectional giving is determined based on what a church is able to give in response to what they have received in annual income. The intent is to invert giving from a top down to a congregation up plan.

The Transitional Book of Doctrines and Discipline (paragraph 349) currently caps limits for connectional giving at 1.5% for general church ministry and 5% for annual conference ministry of the local church’s operating income for the previous year (versus no cap for apportionments in the UMC). Churches can also apply for exemptions due to extenuating circumstances or for new church plants. The intention is that connectional giving will be half or less of current UMC apportionments.

Currently, connectional giving is not being required — the exact timing of the beginning will be determined by the annual or convening general conference. Until then, churches can voluntarily provide connectional giving to the Annual Conference if they desire to help fund the formation and administration of the conference and potential events and activities in the future.

Where can I find a Global Methodist church in South Georgia?

While the Global Methodist Church is just being established, there are already a number of churches who have joined with many more awaiting disaffiliation and approval from the GMC Church. Over 190 churches have already joined the South Georgia Conference. A church directory is available here.

Will there be a GMC publishing house?  Will there be a place to buy church resources?

While the Global Methodist Church does not have a publishing house at this time, Seedbed — a publishing and media company established by Asbury Theological Seminary — publishes Bible studies, books, small-group studies, training courses, videos, podcasts, and conferences from a Wesleyan tradition perspective that matches the orthodox, scripturally authoritative trajectory of the Global Methodist Church.

We will we have conference retreat properties in South Georgia?

Most of the retreat properties that most Methodists in South Georgia are accustomed to are not wholly owned by The United Methodist Church (or the UMC South Georgia Annual Conference). While the Global Methodist Church will not own or maintain any retreat properties at this time, many of the properties that you are accustomed to will still be fully available for use by GMC churches. For example, Epworth by the Sea has hosted our annual conference session for multiple years now.

Will we need to purchase new hymnals?

Existing UMC hymnals are still filled with the wonderful hymns of John & Charles Wesley and many others as well as liturgical resources that are still valuable today and does not require replacement. The Global Methodist Church does not have an official hymnal at this time, although Seedbed is releasing a new, modern Wesleyan tradition hymnal that will likely be a valuable resource for many Global Methodist churches: Our Great Redeemer’s Praise: A Hymnal for All God’s People.

What forms of communication are available to learn more?

The South Georgia Annual Conference currently provides a number of methods of communication and will continue to develop more as it becomes established. This communication includes this website at, an upcoming newsletter (signup available on the website), and social media (Facebook & Twitter). A Contact page is provided for direct communication. We can also receive mail at the address located at the bottom of this web page.

Will we have to change our carpet from UMC “red” to GMC “blue”?

Only if you would like too!

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