A Call to a Holy Lent 2025

Hello South Georgia Global Methodists,

I wanted to wish you a Holy Ash Wednesday and invite you into a deep and refreshing season of Lent as we prepare our hearts for Easter.

Along with the joy of serving as Conference Superintendent, I am blessed to continue leading and serving in my local church, The Chapel.

Lately, we have been studying the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes, a powerful and challenging text that forces us to reconsider everything. It has been a beautiful reminder that we are not made for this world, and at the same time, it has been convicting in how it exposes the utter meaninglessness of so many things we pour our time into.

In the book Ordering Your Private World Gordon McDonald says “For a pastor to say he is busy should sound to our ears like a banker who says he is an embezzler or a husband who says he is an adulterer.” Ouch.

As we step into this season of preparation for Easter, I invite you to slow down. Slow way down and take an inventory of your life.

Are you chasing Hevel? Hevel is the Hebrew word the NIV translates as “meaningless” and the ESV translates as “vanity”. It means vapor or smoke. Something which appears to have substance but doesn’t. It doesn’t last or amount to anything in the end.  

Would you join me in praying for the Lord to reveal where we are wasting our time and where we need to realign with His grace, calling, and love?

May this season be one of renewal, surrender, and deep connection with our Savior.

Simply Seeking Him,
Jay Hanson
Conference Superintendent

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