Robby Paulk

Folkston Methodist Church

What are your experiences and areas of service that you believe will be valuable in your role as a General Conference delegate?

I am proud to serve our Annual Conference as the Connectional Community Presiding Elder for the Brunswick community. I have also served clergy of both North and South Georgia as our Conference Benefits liason. I have been part of our Conference leadership team since the early days of planning for our inaugural annual conference. Prior to disaffiliation, I served as a delegate to the WCA global Conference.

Describe why you believe that God has potentially called you to serve as a General Conference delegate.

I believe that God has called me to be a servant of the local church, a servant to my fellow pastors, and to participate in the renewal of Methodism. As a delegate to General Conference I can fulfill all those roles as we give official structure to our denomination. I believe with my past experience in law enforcement, my years as a pastor, and an education in communication, I am equipped to work with people of all backgrounds and nationalities to work towards consensus in the revival of the Methodist movement.