Patty Tucker

Good Shepherd Savannah

What are your experiences and areas of service that you believe will be valuable in your role as a General Conference delegate?

As a pastor’s wife I have served in lay ministry in local churches in South Georgia and for four years on a team in Kazakhstan with The Mission Society. During these years, I have encouraged others to grow closer to Christ through Bible Study and one-on-one discipleship.

As a classroom teacher, I have had the opportunity to serve in many faculty leadership roles. While at St. Luke School in Columbus, I developed an ongoing partnership with the Open Door Community Center, represented the faculty on the school re-branding team, served several years on the faculty leadership team, and was a section leader on the SACS accreditation board. These opportunities helped me learn to listen well and appreciate the process of growing and developing a ministry organization.

When I stepped away from the United Methodist Church, I knew the Global Methodist Church would be my new home. I was part of the team that launched South Georgia’s first GMC church plant, Good Shepherd Savannah, on April 23, 2023. Now I serve as the Director of Family Discipleship, where I have the opportunity to watch the Lord birth a vibrant worship community that is already making an impact in Savannah.

Describe why you believe that God has potentially called you to serve as a General Conference delegate.

As I witness first hand the joy of our new congregation, Good Shepherd Savannah, I am blessed to be a part of this new story in my home town. I believe we have a calling to be a part of this story for Global Methodism throughout the world.

Having served on the foreign mission field for four years, I value a global denomination. We have a responsibility to build a new community of believers throughout the world. It is happening, and it is the most exciting adventure of our lifetime. It would be a privilege to serve on the forefront, representing South Georgia, and serving Christ in this new venture.