Jennifer Thompson

Dublin First Methodist Church

What are your experiences and areas of service that you believe will be valuable in your role as a General Conference delegate?

Orthodox Wesleyan theology is in my DNA. I bring 37 years of ministry experience and global perspective to the table. I was baptized, confirmed, consecrated Diaconal minister, commissioned as a missionary, and ordained Deacon in the UMC. I was thrilled to be ordained Elder in the GMC in July of 2023.

My other roles of leadership include:

- Charter Member of the Wesleyan Covenant Association at the first Global Gathering in Chicago in 2016

- Foundation member of the South Georgia chapter of the WCA

- Secretary of the Executive Leadership Team for the South Georgia WCA

- Delegate to two of the international Legislative Sessions of the WCA where I was able to vote on the formation of our new GMC discipline

- Speaker for a WCA conference gathering

- Coordinator and one of the speakers for the regional meetings of traditional Methodists in South Georgia

I have served the local church, in a conference office, and cross-culturally. My ministry has spanned 9 different countries in Africa, Europe, and Latin America. I am passionate about Jesus. As a delegate to General Conference, I will bring my passion, hope, excitement, and experience to our decisions as we follow God’s trajectory.

Describe why you believe that God has potentially called you to serve as a General Conference delegate.

My short answer? I am Global. I am Methodist. I am called to serve God’s Church. I desire to give myself to the work of our GMC family.

My Methodist training and experience have given me a deep appreciation for the tenets of our new denomination. I heard many people say the GMC would just be a "default" for those of us who felt called out of the UMC because it was one of our few options denominationally. That is not the case for me. I am called to be a pastor in the GMC. It was my first choice, and it has quickly become my home.

I am committed to see us thrive as we labor together to fulfill God’s mission. We are not called to be UMC 2.0 but a fresh, biblically grounded, revelation and expression of God’s love for His world. I want to be a part of making sure we are rooted in truth and bear fruit for His glory.

My global perspective has given me a deep love for the world and the international church. My experience in ministry outside of the U.S. is part of who I am as a Christ-follower and as a pastor. I want the GMC to represent the church in the whole world.

Additionally, I love those who serve God through the GMC in South Georgia. We are family, and we stand on a long history of Methodism which began on South Georgia soil!

So, I feel called to serve as a delegate to General Conference because my voice would be a valuable addition to those who:

- Do not want to see the GMC be the UMC 2.0

- Want to see the Global Methodist Church have a truly global co-laboring

- Want representation from my region