Floyd White

Thomasville First Methodist Church

What are your experiences and areas of service that you believe will be valuable in your role as a General Conference delegate?

Though a lifelong Methodist, I have been in full-time (non-ordained) vocational ministry in South Georgia as a Methodist for almost 23 years. I started serving Thomasville First in student ministry and now serve in administration. My work/ministry keeps me grounded in the local church as a layperson and "in the loop" on everything occurring in the greater church body. My position also allows me to commit to the pre-conference work and meetings necessary to be a fully informed GC delegate.

Describe why you believe that God has potentially called you to serve as a General Conference delegate.

I feel inspired to join in the foundational work taking place in the early formation of the Global Methodist Church. I think God has given me the gifts/talents/skills and temperament necessary to work with others, stand firm in my convictions, and absorb the high volume of information necessary for delegates.