Debbie Towson

Park Avenue Church

What are your experiences and areas of service that you believe will be valuable in your role as a General Conference delegate?

I have worked closely with my husband, Jimmy Towson while we were in the UMC and, even more so since we have joined the GMC. We have traveled to many churches in SGA to share information and resources about the GMC, and gotten to know so many wonderful people - clergy & laity. We've listened to their hopes and dreams, even their heartaches about our churches and former denomination. We have had the privilege of sharing the joy of what God is doing in the GMC since its beginning, especially in South Georgia.

Describe why you believe that God has potentially called you to serve as a General Conference delegate.

I believe that my experience in the Methodist church for almost 50 years, serving on local church staffs and ministries, being the spouse of a clergy person and being actively involved in the local church and conference has prepared me to represent the good folks of South Georgia. I have a heart for service and love for the local church, especially the laity, and it would be a deep honor to serve as your delegate to this historic GMC General Conference.